All is fair in love, war and fairness cream ads
Asin and a male model have their instant snap taken. Asin's melanocytes appear to work harder than the guy's. She looks like she's been uniformly shaded with charcoal. Kudos to the make-up expert; guy must have been a charcoal painter. Mr. Fairer looks at the snap, the black and white contrast screaming out at the viewer, tears it into two, hands Asin's half to her and walks away.
Oh no! Poor, heartbroken Asin suffers enormously.
A lady, whitish pink, in a traditional garb soothes her, and raises her hopes with a new fairness cream, with virtues so pure, sure to make a crow fair. Asin uses it.
Lo and behold! The dark girl transforms into a fair damsel in a ridiculously short period of time and becomes a beauty queen. Mr. Ex-friend is back with an 'I'm sorry' note and a bunch of flowers. She is very happy, hugs the flowers close and flashes the traditional, silly smile.
Would any self respecting woman think twice about rejecting a friend who returns because she's fairer?
I recently came across an article which spoke of pharmaceutical companies inventing or publicizing common, vague symptoms of rare diseases to boost drug sales. Guess they didn't learn fast enough from fairness cream marketing.